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Viking Emerald/Opal/Sapphire Owner’s Class
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Cost: No charge
The Viking class is specifically for Emeralds, Opals and Sapphires.
What to bring to class:
- Machine, power cord, foot control
- Computer & Dongle
- Owner’s manual
- Thread
- Accessories (hoops, needles, feet, scissors)
Fabric will be provided.
Reservations are required as class space is limited.
- Reserve your seat by registering through the website or calling the store at (702) 646-6629
- If you need to cancel, please let us know so that another customer may join. There is no penalty for cancellation.
Location: Our store is located inside JoAnn Fabrics (on the northeast corner of Lake Mead and Rainbow) next to the fabric cutting counter.