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Hexagon Pillows
Saturday, June 01, 2013
10 am to 1 pm
Cost: No cost
These two pillows are so easy to make with the new Hex N More ruler. Try our ruler or use the templates in the pattern. For the tow pillows you will need:
- 1 Charm Pack or 24-5″ Squares of assorted fabrics
- 5/8 yard Contrasting Fabric (White on cover samples)
- 1/2 yard muslin or white fabric
- 2 fat quarters for backing
- Batting: 20″ x 42″
- Thread to match
- Dual Feed Foot
If you are not going to purchase the ruler, you will need a piece of template plastic 6″ x 8″ to make templates from this pattern.
General Class Policy
- Please bring your own machine, accessories, and sewing supplies to each class.
- If the class has a cost, please pay when you sign up. Of course, owner’s classes are completely free. Some of our specialty classes may be $10 unless you are already the owner of the item featured in the class or you choose to purchase the item during the class with the class discount. This is a great way to try an accessory that you’ve been eyeing without the commitment!
- Please arrive early to class to set up. Class begins promptly at the time shown on the calendar with no late arrivals.
- If you are unable to make a class at the time it is scheduled or if you are running late, please call to set up an appointment for that class at another time that works for you. Also remember to please call us so we can be sure to reserve your spot.