Cross Stitch with your Embroidery Machine

If you do not own a Viking Embroidery Machine and would like to take the class please stop by the store and ask about taking this class !

You will never believe how easy it is to complete a cross stitch gift bag.

Supplies you need to bring: coordinating embroidery  threads  that will blend to step from light to medium to dark. You will need 3 different reds ,  3 different greens , and  1 black. 1 spool of medium red sewing thread, not bright red. Do not forget your best eye glasses, embroidery machine and embroidery arm, your 120 X 120 hoop, power cord, and USB stick.

Design, fabric and stabilizer will be provided for you in your kit.

Remember class etiquette: 1 – Pay for your class before the day of class, 2 – Come early to set up so class can start on time, 3 – Call if your not going to be here on time so we can put you on a list for the next class


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