Free Motion Quilting

Come join Lisa to learn the easiest techniques for free motion quilting. Finish your own projects instead of paying to have them done!


  • Free motion foot – can be open toe, spring action or any other free motion. Lisa prefers the open toe because it is easy to see where you are going next. Use whichever you are comfortable with.
  • Four 18″x18″ quilt sandwiches. Each quilt sandwich will consist of a top fabric (plain color cotton, low loft batting of any kind & a cotton backing fabric)
  • thread that is a stark contrast to your top fabric and on that is similar to your top fabric
  • a top stitching needle for the sewing machine
  • quilting gloves or a  free motion guide grip if you have them. They help hold your quilt sandwich while you are quilting.
  • rotary cutter
  • basic sewing kit: seam ripper, hand sewing needle, safety pins

Instructor: Lisa

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