Mug Rugs – Oct 31,2013

Mug Rugs… well they’re smaller than a placemat and larger than a coaster. At our house we have large mugs and are great snackers. Mug Rugs fit the bill – room for the mug and the snack. They are also great for quick Christmas gifts. We offer you 2 -3 choices on mug rugs. You’ll pick one to do for the class.

Option 1 – basic pieced mug rug. With guidance kids could make these for their teachers and friends.

Option 2  – Christmas inspire applique mug rug. You will snicker when you see this sample

Option 3   – Paper pieced mug rug.

These are listed in order of difficulty, number 1 being the easiest.

So who on your Christmas list is getting a mug rug  –  everyone; great stocking stuffers, teacher gifts, colleague gifts, secretary gifts, son-in-law gift, nieces/nephews. Anyone will enjoy their personal mug rug.

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