Jelly Roll Quilt Top Class

Jelly Roll

Jelly Roll

What is a Jelly Roll?

A jelly roll is a collection of 2 1/2” x 44″ strips of fabric, typically they have 40 strips.  You may want to watch the jelly roll race on  this youtube link. (We won’t race, but …)





There are lots of cute quilt tops to look at online.  Just google jelly roll quilts and click on images.

7001710619_21887f7fba_h.jpg  Jelly Roll Quilt Class 2IMG_0188

What to Bring

1 Large Jelly Roll or 2 Small Ones

(40 pieces of fabric 2 1/2 X Width of Fabric

Basic Sewing Supplies

Call 801-571-4332 to reserve a space in class.  Let us know if you want to use one of our outstanding machines.

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