READY – SET- SEW . . .

Quilted Foot of the Bi-Weekly

You have heard that “Feet” are for walking . . . Well here, “Feet” are for sewing . . . So here we go – the class you’ve been asking for is about to begin . . .
“The Foot of the Bi-Weekly Class”
You will be learning a different foot each class . . . It’s fun, creative and perfect for new ideas for your special projects. We will make 12 quilt blocks and the 13th class is putting them together to give you a lovely wall hanging or lap blanket. Attached are pictures of the completed piece. (You can choose your own colors.)
Day: Saturday (Every other Saturday for 13 classes – we will have make-up classes as we go along.)
Cost: $15 per class plus supplies
Time: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Upon registration you will receive your first supply list.
Seats are limited – Reserve your seat now . . . Or come by the store and register today!
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