Software Owner’s II: 6D Embroidery & Embroidery Extra

0000224_6d-embroidery-software_300You just got your Embroidery Software, now let us teach you how to get it set up and start using it! In this class you will be taught the basics of getting your software set up to your preferences and set to your liking, how to start moving and manipulating designs, and how to add text to a design!

Please bring your laptop and dongle (If you have a laptop) so we can help get you comfortable using the software on your own computer.

This class is available to owners of the following software modules:

  • 6D™ Embroidery
  • 6D™ Embroidery Extra
  • 6D™ Embroidery Premiere
  • 5D™ Embroidery*
  • 5D™ Embroidery Extra*
  • 5D™ Embroidery Professional*

*Please notify us that you are using 5D so that we may be better prepared for your class!

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