Serger Club – Rectangle to Jacket

Serger Club Jacket

Simple Shapes are great for serging one-of-a-kind creations.  This jacket serges rectangles together to create a sensational low-sew jacket with a contrasting collar and front band for a touch of elegance.


HV Huskylock Serger set up for 4 thread overlock

80 or 90 needles depending on your fabric weight

Scrap Catcher for your serger

1½ – 2 yards 54 inch wide fabric

3/8 yard contrasting fabric

Cone thread to match fabric.

All purpose thread & bobbin to coordinate with your jacket fabric (for topstitching)

Wonder Tape

The usual sewing supplies:  scissors, pins, fabric markers etc.

Book: Simple Serger Sewing.  If you don’t have this book it is okay, if you do have it, please refer to page 66 for a cutting chart.

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