Quilt Fun-da-Mentals #12–Binding and Labeling

In class #12 you will learn how to bind your quilt and how to make a label for it.


Supply List:

  • Sewing machine with its foot control, power cord, and accessories
  • Your quilted quilt
  • Binding fabric—To calculate how much you need:
    1. Measure around all four sides of your quilt and add together.  Add 12” to that.  This will give the total length needed for your binding.
    1. Divide the total binding length by the width of your fabric with selvages removed.  This will tell you how many strips that you will need to cut.  If it comes to a fraction remaining, you will need to allow for one extra strip.
    2. Each strip needs to be 6 times your desired finished binding width + ¼”.  (For example, if you want a finished ½” binding, you will need 3¼” strips.)
    3. Multiple the number of strips needed by the figure from #3 above.  Divide by 36 to find out how many yards you need.
  • Sewing scissors
  • Rotary cutter, mat, and 24” ruler
  • Sewing pins
  • Seam gauge
  • Long tape measure (120″)
  • Left Edge Topstitch Foot (#412784245)
  • Edge Stitching Foot (#412796745)
  • Seam ripper
  • All-purpose sewing thread

Bobbin filled with sewing thread

For the label:

  • A piece of fabric the size of your desired label PLUS seam allowances
  • Sewing machine with lettering capability or embroidery machine & laptop with           embroidery software loaded on it—OR—a permanent fabric marking pen
  • Water soluble stabilizer
  • Erasable fabric marking pen

Preparation before class:  Finish quilting your quilt.  If you do not think that you will have enough time to complete it, then at least get the border area quilted.  The edges need to be finished in order to do the binding.


Class fee:  $20

Quilt Fun-Da-Mentals

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