Pillow Case Class

Once you have made this pillow case, you will want to make one for everyone you know. Learn the ‘hot dog’ method for a quick and easy way to whip up a pillow case.



  • Pins, thread to sew seams, thread for embroidery designs, scissors and normal sewing supplies. 
  • Main Fabric 27″ (I usually buy a yard and cut it down)
  • Accent Piece  2″ ( I usually buy 1/4 yard and cut it down)
  • Cuff  9″    (I usually buy 1/3 yard and cut it down)

Pre-wash and dry fabric as you would your sheets and pillow cases before you cut the fabric to size.  The fabric will probably shrink a little.

Pre Class Preparation is important.  If you do the following, it will allow you to go home with a completed project.

The 27″ piece, fold the selvage and press it with right sides OUT.

The 2″ piece should be cut the full width of the fabric.  Fold in half lengthwise and press with right sides OUT.

The 9″ piece should be cut the full width of the fabric.  Fold in half lengthwise and press with right sides OUT.


Instructor – Lisa

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