Heirloom Club: Sampler Heirloom Quilt – Block 4

Heirloom Square 4

The sampler heirloom quilt will consist of nine blocks.  Each block will feature a different heirloom technique.  The forth block will feature  “Cathedral Windows” technique.

Supply List:

Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machine

14 x 14 square of main fabric light starched (batiste, broadcloth, light weight linen)

2 strips  14 x 3 cut on bias of contrast lightweight fabric

14″ piece of 5/8″ wide lace

Threads:  heirloom spool and a bobbin, embroidery threads (matching or contrast for you bias strips fabric)

Needles: universal #70 or #80

Feet: Clear B Foot, Clear Edge Joining Foot

Water-Soluble Glue

Stitch & Ditch Stabilizer

Notions: spray starch, purple marking pen, scissors



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