Endless Hoop Embroidery

Want to know how to be successful creating those beautiful endless designs along the border of a quilt, tablecloth, bed sheet, etc?  Come to our Endless Hoop Embroidery class to learn how simple this technique can actually be!

All you need to bring is your Husqvarna Viking embroidery machine, embroidery unit and your Husqvarna Viking Endless Hoop**, the media to transfer the design to your machine (USB stick, floppy, reader/writer, etc.) bobbin thread and one spool of 30wt. cotton thread–the instructor provides everything else!  You will also be shown in the 5D™ Embroidery Software how to create your own endless designs.

**There are now 3 different sizes of endless hoops in the Husqvarna Viking line, you will need to have an appropriate hoop that works with your particular machine.

If you find you are unable to attend your scheduled class, please call to inform us so we can allow someone on the waiting list to participate.

Endless Embroidery

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