Embroidery I: Embroidery Basics I

This class is just the beginning of the wonderful world of Husqvarna Viking embroidery!  Learn about embroidery functions on your machine, design selection, hooping your fabric, types of stabilizer, loading your design, adjusting your design for your hoop, stitch out, and troubleshooting.

What to bring:  Sewing machine, sewing accessories, machine user guide, scissors, bobbins, bobbin thread, Husqvarna Viking USB stick, embroidery unit and your hoops.

Who should register:  Husqvarna Viking Embroidery machine owners (Topaz 20, Topaz 30, Designer Ruby/ Ruby Deluxe, Designer Diamond/ Diamond Deluxe)

Having attended Machine Introduction I and Machine Decorative Stitches is helpful, but not necessary.

There is no fee for this class.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to set up and be ready for class to start on


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