Embroidered Drawstring Bag — In-the-hoop

In this class you will be embroidering an in-the-hoop drawstring bag using Inspira Butterflies & Bug design #104.  You will have a choice of three designs from this Inspira card and the drawstring bag requires 2 hoopings.  We are going to use Clear N Melt (12″ wide) stabilizer as our main hoop stabilizer.  Recommended fabric for your project can be cotton, organza, silk dupioni, or satin.  Also, you will need your choice of colored ribbon for the bag drawstrings. These bags can be a delightful means of storing jewelry, potpourri, party favors or your choice of items. These adorable bags do not require you to use the sewing mode of your Viking machine but is accomplished during the in-the-hoop embroidery process.


Featured Items:                                         Part #                    Retail Price         Club price (-15%)  

Inspira Butterflies & Bug #104           620093696                  $39.95                         $33.96

90 Embroidery needles                        620099496                  $  4.49                         $  3.82

Sensor Q foot                                      413192045                  $39.95                         $33.96

240 x 150   hoop  OR                          412527102                  $74.95                         $56.21 (-25%)

260 x 200 hoop     OR                         413116 501                 $89.95                         $67.46 (-25%)

180 x 130 hoop (5 x 7)  OR                920085096                 $129.95                        $97.46 (-25%)

180 x 130 Metal Hoop                                    920362096                 $119.95                        $89.96 (-25%)

Clear N Melt (12” x 25 yds)               6201415096                 $ 25.95                        $22.06

505 Adhesive Spray                             140000504                 $ 12.99                                    $11.04

Straight stitch Plate should be used in conjunction with the sensor Q Foot for best results

 Class:      Class fee $10.00 (you can purchase stabilizer for $1.00 per sheet if necessary)   

 What to Bring:  Please label all items so they do not get lost!

  • Hoop:  One of the above listed.  Bring Hoop Clips.
  • Machine, Embroidery Arm, power cord, foot control, small sharp embroidery scissors, pins, marking pen, etc.
  • Sensor Q Foot & Straight Stitch plate (if available).
  • Needles and a small safety pin (used for inserting ribbons into bag casement).
  • Clear N Melt stabilizer and 505 adhesive spray.


  • 1/4 yard or one fat eighth of chosen fabric:  Cut 2 pieces of fabric measuring 6” x 9”.  Fold the top of these fabric pieces 2” down from the top and press (will be wrong sides together).
  • 3/16” x 36” ribbon (choice of color for drawstrings).
  • Embroidery threads – choice of colors for your chosen design and filled matching bobbins.  Or a pre-wound bobbin can be used.
  • Cotton or polyester thread that co-ordinates with your chosen fabric with a filled matching bobbin so that you can complete your the in-the-hoop bag assembly.

(321) 676-5524

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