Decorative Stitch Tote

Have you ever asked yourself what you can do with all those decorative stitches on your sewing machine? Take this class and embellish a fun tote!

Decorative Stitch Tote

Supply List:

  1. Sewing machine with at least 12 decorative stitches*
  2. 90/14 Topstitch Needles*
  3. ½ yard solid cotton for tote bag center
  4. ¼ yard strip or print fabric
  5. ½ yard lining fabric
  6. All-purpose thread for construction
  7. 40 wt. Embroidery thread for embellishment*
  8. Tear-away stabilizer*
  9. Ruler and water soluble fabric marker
  10. Scissors
  11. Pins
* these items are available for purchase at your Avondale Viking Sewing Gallery..
  • Center fabric –  12 strips measuring 4½” x 8½”
  • Strip or printed fabric – one 7” x 13½”, cut two 2½” x 13½”, cut one 4” x 44”
  • Lining fabric – 13 1/2″ x 31″
** All cutting is required to be done prior to class

In order for us to start class on time, please arrive 5-10 minutes before class is to begin to allow you to have time to set up.

If you signed up for this class but later find that you will be unable to attend, please let us know well in advance so that we can call a person on our waiting list to take your place.  If there are too few to sign up, we reserve the right to cancel the class. Thank you.

There is limited seating so reserve your spot early.

Completion of Viking Owner’s Class #1 required prior to registering.

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