Creative Class (Towel Wrap)

20140807_18524420140807_185238Looking for a quick gift for friend, family or yourself?  Why not try out this towel wrap?  It is quick, simple and really fun to make.  However, your friends and family don’t have to know!

Please bring your machine and accessories, towel*, matching thread, embroidery thread**, half a yard of complementary fabric (washed & ready to use), and 18″ of elastic.

* Towel sizes to be used:

  • Child sizes toddler to size 8 youth – large hand towel
  • size 8 youth to size 8 adult – regular towel
  • size 10 adult and up – towel sheet

*** If you do not own an embroidery machine, you can use the sew/iron on letter decals.


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