Beetle Bag

BLOG 3beetle bag 1Yes, a Beetle Bag. I did not make a typing error. I have to say this bag looks and acts nothing like a Beetle, Thank Goodness!

It is the cutest bag and so versatile. You will have plenty of time before Christmas to make a few of these bags for those special friends on your list, if you can bare to part with the bags.

They are great for sewers with pockets for tools, it has a pin cushion, and the bag has pocket pages that zip open and close. These pages are also great for crafters and great for coupon collectors. This bag will be great for traveling whether you are going away for just the weekend or a real vacation, like a sewing retreat, hmmmm or sewing cruise.

Pattern is included in the class fee. The material list is in the pattern. Sign up early so you can get the material list.

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