6D Software Owner’s Class #4



This class covers the basics of creating an original embroidery from other art forms including loading designs and some of the other functions of 6D Embroidery and 6D Embroidery Extra.  It will cover moving stitches and basic editing as well as using Design Creator and Express Design Wizard to create and edit your designs.


Attendees need to bring a laptop loaded with their programs, a mouse, power cable, dongle,  flash drive, note paper, and pen.


This class is for those with the following modules of software.  Anyone interested in upgrading their software is welcome to attend and observe the class.

  • 6D Embroidery Extra
  • 6D Premier
  • Those who have purchased the additional modules for their software


In order for us to start class on time, please arrive 5-10 minutes before class is to begin to allow you to have time to set up.


If you find that you will be unable to attend, please let us know well in advance so that we can call a person on our waiting list to take your place.  If there are too few to sign up, we reserve the right to cancel the class.   Also, please be kind to those with fragrance sensitivity by not wearing colognes and perfumes.  Thank you.


There is limited seating so reserve your spot early.


Prerequisites:   6D  Software Owner’s Classes #1, #2 and #3

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