5D™Professional Software Exercises for Fun


Each month we will do another exercise from the 5D™Professional Software assortment of modules.  There are plenty to chose from, so it is time we get started!  As some of you upgrade to 6D™ Premier software, we will work those into our classes, and eventually, will completely transition to 6D Premier.

You will need your laptop, loaded with your software and your dongle, and, please make sure your software has the latest update.

This month, Monogram Wizard will be  our focus, and we will learn to put our monograms on the map!  Also, a preview of 6D™Premier will be part of the evening.

I have my stack of exercises ready, so please come and enjoy the fun and learning!

As always, please come a little early if possible, so we can get all set up and start on time.

PS:  Chocolate is always welcome!

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