5D/6D Workshop – Creating a Word Cloud

Use your embroidery software to create a unique gift using a technique called a word cloud.

Learn to navigate inside your embroidery software and find different fonts, mini or super designs, frames, flourishes and motifs to put together something that is unique and special as you or the person you are going to gift it to.

Come prepared with a subject matter that you will use to create your one of a kind word cloud.


  • Baby’s name, birth date, weight, mother and father’s name, where born,
  • Anniversary / wedding gift – name of bride/groom, and the what, where, when etc.
  • Teacher gift – what words do you think of for a teacher
  • Birthday gift – name, date, what interests does the person have
  • Family – Mom, Dad, siblings, birth dates, children etc.
  • Hobby – Like for Soccer – it might be ball, net, run, guard, goal, kick, score, goalie, forward etc.

Sample pictures  that others have done


springbettys cloud2nd attemptbirth announcement10349138_10152241815763375_4123896384676172267_n

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